Siril - Unable to Update -Possible reason for Photometric fail

Cannot retrieve information from the update URL. Error (60)
Unable to check updates. Please check your network connection

Hello, I’m a relatively new user to Siril. Thank you all so much for this program. When I first downloaded the app about a year ago, it did pretty with the color photometric calibration. Now with the update (either the Siril updates or Mac OS or Safari updates, I get a consistent fail to plate solve with Siril. Even on other people’s files that have are successful with their plate solve. I have uninstalled the app and all of its scripts and reinstalled. I still get the same error above. I am on an i Mac, OS Mojave 10.14.6 using Safari 14.1.2 Any help trouble shooting this Error 60, in case it is the cause of my consistent failure to plate solve would be much appreciated. Please note, I am not terribly technical, but am willing to try suggested solutions. Thanks so much. Marsha

There is something on your computer that blocks the web access to siril. I never seen that on macOS. Is there a firewall?

Lock042, Thanks for your response. There is no firewall on the computer. I looked under Safari preferences and there is nothing to block the web access that I can see. I have no problem manually downloading the SiriL app.



Marsha Kirschbaum

Sure, but it is not the same to allow an app to download files.
Do you have AntiVirus?

I do — Avast free version. However, the file shields, web shields and email shields are turned off.

Marsha Kirschbaum

AVAST could be the problem. It is the case on Windows.

I will uninstall and open SirL and see if I get the same 60 error code. Probably not today though. Will let you know Thanks.

Marsha Kirschbaum


I uninstalled AVAST, rebooted and got the same error from the console:

“Cannot retrieve information from the update URL. Error [60]
Any other suggestions?

Marsha Kirschbaum

Ping @rbarbera

Really odd. When I receive this error in my mac his because I’m not connected to internet (usually when I connect directly to the raspberry pi hotspot). But as soon as I connect the Mac with a wifi that has access to internet, the error vanished.

Hi Rafa - I am definitely connected to the internet. All of my other software updates come in just fine. Puzzling and frustrating as when I first downloaded SiriL a year ago, the plate solving worked.

Marsha Kirschbaum