Siril vs MaxImDL pixil values


I am new to Siril and still becoming familiar with the software and I have a question about pixel values.

If I open in Siril an image that was stacked in MaxImDL then immediately save it without any changes, the pixel values are dramatically rescaled as seen in MaxImDL. For example, a pixel that was originally 60000.0 or so is rescaled to something less than 1.

Is there a way to keep the original scaling?

Chip G

Siril converts pixel values in the range [0, 1], but there is no loss of information.

yes by forcing siril to use 16 bits, in the settings, FITS options

Thanks for the quick reply.

Is there a way to save the rescaled image [0,1] to JPEG 8bit integer and still retain the information? When I tried to save to JPEG from Siril I get the fractional values rounded or truncated to 0 and maybe 1 so I lose the image.


By saving in 8bits you will lose information. You cannot avoid that: Bit Depth — Siril 1.2.6 documentation

Thanks. I think I now know how to proceed.