Siril Windows 64 nightly builds

I rebuilt locally librtprocess and installed it locally.
Before invoking meson I define:


And the build process works.


After starting siril, I get this window that seems ok:

and a DOS log window with those information in french:

log: Bienvenue dans siril v0.99.3
log: Type de fichiers support├®s : Images BMP, Images PIC (IRIS), Images binaires PGM et PPM, Images RAW, Images FITS-CFA, Films, S├®quences SER, Images TIFF, Images JPG, Images PNG.
log: Fichier de param├¿tres charg├® : 'C:\Users\Andre\AppData\Local\siril\siril.config'
log: Calcul parall├¿le activ├® : Utilisation de 8 processeurs.
V├®rifie la version de GTK ... GTK-3.24
Charg├® avec succ├¿s 'D:\PROGRAMMES\SIRIL\install\siril_master_0.9.12-1404-g63f6aa8a_200731_W64_generic\share\siril\siril.css'

(siril.exe:22044): Pango-WARNING **: 12:32:24.762: couldn't load font "Moon2.0-Regular Not-Rotated 117.421875", falling back to "Sans Not-Rotated 117.421875", expect ugly output.

(siril.exe:22044): Pango-WARNING **: 12:32:24.783: couldn't load font "MADEEvolveSansEVO-Thin Not-Rotated 230.529296875", falling back to "Sans Not-Rotated 230.529296875", expect ugly output.

(siril.exe:22044): Pango-WARNING **: 12:32:24.832: couldn't load font "Raleway-Light Not-Rotated 325.16796875", falling back to "Sans Not-Rotated 325.16796875", expect ugly output.

(siril.exe:22044): Gtk-WARNING **: 12:32:25.835: Could not find the icon 'missing-image-ltr'. The 'hicolor' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from:
Charg├® avec succ├¿s 'D:\PROGRAMMES\SIRIL\install\siril_master_0.9.12-1404-g63f6aa8a_200731_W64_generic\share\siril\'
log: D├®finir le r├®pertoire de travail ├á 'C:\Users\Andre\Pictures'
scripts: Error opening directory ÔÇ£C:\Users\Andre\AppData\Roaming\siril\scriptsÔÇØ: No such file or directory
scripts: Error opening directory ÔÇ£D:\PROGRAMMES\SIRIL\install\scriptsÔÇØ: No such file or directory
log: Chargement de la m├®thode d'alignement : Alignement sur une ├®toile (ciel profond)
log: Chargement de la m├®thode d'alignement : Alignement global (ciel profond)
log: Chargement de la m├®thode d'alignement : Alignement par motif de l'image (plan├®taire - disque entier)
log: Chargement de la m├®thode d'alignement : Coefficient de corr├®lation (plan├®taire - surfaces)
log: Chargement de la m├®thode d'alignement : Alignement Com├¿te/Ast├®ro├»de
log: L'extension par d├®faut des FITS est d├®finie ├á .fit
log: Compression des fichiers FITS d├®sactiv├®e
Staying on the application.


  • What is missing to correctly write special french characters?
  • what the version v 0.99.3 or 0.99.3 refers to? there is no tag v0.99.3 in the git repository. The git version I get is 0.9.12-1404-g63f6aa8a
  • Some fonts are missing. Where I find them and where I copy them?
  • scripts: Error opening directory ÔÇ£D:\PROGRAMMES\SIRIL\install\scriptsÔÇØ: No such file or directory. Why Siril is searching the scripts directory here although the installation directory is: “D:\PROGRAMMES\SIRIL\install\siril_master_0.9.12-1404-g63f6aa8a_200731_W64_generic”.
    Isn’t the path relative to the location of the exe?
  • missing icon “missing-image-ltr” : there is no such icon in the Msys2/mingw64 adwaita and hicolor icons.

I’m not sure windows command handles UTF-8, because it’s old and the message you can’t display are UTF-8. Using minTTY from msys2 may be better.
The script error is not blocking, it may be configured to search here for some reason, you can remove this path in the settings.

I have no idea about how this works and how to fix the rest of what you’re asking basically. You’ll have to find a GTK+ guru for windows, there may be one on the planet, the one that ported GTK+ to windows. Good luck.

Windows10 is not so old.
French characters can be displayed in a DOS window.

and see Windows Command-Line: Unicode and UTF-8 Output Text Buffer - Windows Command Line

Furthermore it’s the same bug with a MSYS2/MINGW64 shell.

The reason is not obvious
It’s not blocking, but if I distribute the build, user will not find directly the expected scripts shipped with Siril.
my question is : can the path be relative (to the location of exe)?

GTK+ : is the missing icone “missing-image-ltr” also missing on linux? Is this icone required by the siril GUI? where is it displayed?
I suppose GTK+ dev made a lot of effort to get the same behaviour on Linux and windows and it should work the same on windows and linux perhaps with some minor exception.

pango warnings concerning fonts : better if it is corrected, but not very important. But why use so many fonts?

I usually search the fonts on google, download and install them in the Windows Fonts folder (at least this is what I did for ART and RT).
Automatically I guess it can be done via an installer, but this depends on:

  • how much effort you want to put into this
  • what type of license the fonts have (some might allow this, some not)
  • maybe it is possible to use a GTK config and location instead of the Windows Fonts folder, I did not checked this

No, in fact by default there are two folders in the Siril parameters, but just one is used. This is why you have this message, but there are no problems.

Thanks all. I see there is not much to do to improve situation.
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