Siril works faster on my 10yo laptop than on i9 9900. Why?

153 frames was normalized and stacked for 36 mins on my old laptop (Lenovo B5400 Intel Core i5-4200M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.49 GHz; 8Gb RAM)

and 58 same frames was normalized and stacked for 34 munutes (Intel Core i9-9900KF CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz; 16Gb RAM)

Do someone have any ideas how to improve performance on faster computer?

Hello, a large portion of the time spent processing images is disk read/write. Is the disk faster on the older computer?

It doesn’t look like it’s the same input images though?

Hmmm… maybe the reason is in different speed of USB ports? I use the same external HDD on laptop and stationary computer. I’ll try to use a rear ports.

And it is the images from my 60D. These are different shooting sessions, but the image files are identical.

For best performance, internal SSD should be used.
Rotating disk should never be used for image processing as well, it will reduce their lifetime greatly.
I’d recommend you copy the files to process to the internal SSD when you need to process them.

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Do you have a citation for this? It contradicts everything I’ve learned in my 30+ years in IT.

From How Long do Hard Drives, SSDs, and Flash Drives Last?
“HDDs are more fragile because of their moving parts which make them susceptible to damage and eventually affecting their lifespan. On the other hand, SSDs and flash drives have definite P/E cycles.”

In addition, the following site states explicitly that HDDs are ideal for “Frequent usage […] (saving/deleting files)”


  1. Port changing doesn’t work
  2. If problem is in low speed of reading/writing it don’t give us an answer why processing on laptop is faster.
  3. As I can see my HDD is not overload

No I don’t, it was just an assumption based on the fact that during these operations the head will be shuffling at its maximum speed for a long time over large areas of the disk, that is clearly worse than low load operation. But indeed for external disks there is not a lot of uptime in general and the lifetime may not be of great importance.

In any case, in general it’s about 10 times slower to process on a rotating disk than on an SSD.