Site Analytics and Gitlab

Continuing the discussion from Adding narration to a slide show:

I didn’t want to pollute @chris’s topic about slide shows with this, so I forked the discussion to here.

@paperdigits thank you very much for pointing out Piwik. I’m having a look now. I’m not quite sure if I want to stand up the requirements locally for it, but a hosted solution would be nice (less maintenance for me). I’m looking into it a bit now. If you happen to find more about a free hosted solution for FL/OSS projects I’d love to hear about it! :wink:

@houz asked in IRC why I might want to move the pixls repo to gitlab. It’s honestly a toss-up between something like github vs. gitlab. I don’t really care as long as functionally things are close to the same.

I came to these conclusions:

  1. When I first looked at it, gitlab offered free private repos, while github did not.

  2. gitlab itself is Free Software and can be stood up on our own servers if needed (Ruby, PostgreSQL, git - these are the same things running this forum already). github is actually not f/oss itself.

  3. Relative feature parity (with the exceptions of 1 and 2 above).

Of course, I am all ears if anyone has other feedback/thoughts/ideas?

Gitlab makes it trivially easy to sign on using Google, Twitter, Github, or Bitbucket accounts. If you create an account there - let me know (@patdavid) and I’ll make sure to add you to the group (@pixlsus). I’ll probably make the web repo for pixls public shortly.

What I really miss in gitlab is the network graph of github, the one that works across forks. Not that it is essential, but extremely convenient. Do you know of something similar in gitlab? I was not able to find something …

I am not sure I know what that is, or why I might need it (hence I wouldn’t miss it?). :slight_smile:

Be careful, you cannot un-know this feature after kicking the link, and therefore you might miss it as well ;-). So better do not click vs … i think the biggest thing to consider … where do most people have accounts. to make it easy to contribute.

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If you have a github account, you can authenticate from gitlab against this. Just 2 klicks while being logged in into github and you have a gitlab account as well. I don’t know if it is possible the other way round.


Absolutely. This was something that was important to me, but both sites make it trivially easy to auth against a common set of logins that folks might already have (google, fb, twitter, etc…).

This was one reason why it was mostly a non-issue as far as I can tell. Would it be a huge barrier-to-entry for someone to click through to an account on gitlab from github, I wonder?

So @Morgan_Hardwood had some input on IRC with me today and I’m still not 100% sure what makes the most sense. I’d love to hear from anyone if they have any strong feelings or suggestions either way! Maybe @paperdigits wants to chime in, or @David_Tschumperle has something to contribute?

If you have a github acct, would you find it a barrier to click through to gitlab to also get an account?

I’ll keep digging for this mythical free piwik hosting. I don’t think it’d be worth the effort to maintain it yourself, you already put so much time into this site.

I’ll push change to either gitlab or github, it doesn’t matter to me. I do like that in a pinch, you can host your own gitlab instance (though it is beastly to host yourself). The thing that really makes github proprietary is the wiki and issue tracker. How much would we use those features? Can you disable them? Also, if you wanted to do both gitlab and github, you could, you’d just need to keep one or two people only with commit access to master. I think we’d get more contributions from github, in the end.

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Actually, @andabata has graciously provided a piwik for us. I’ll set it up later this week.

I feel like this is probably true. Ultimately its about the health of the community, and since it’s git we can always migrate later if needed.

That’s awesome! Thank you @andabata!