Site navigation

Just a small thing I’ve noticed regarding navigating around the site.

You can jump to and from any of the main sections of the site (Home, Blog, Software, etc…) using the little “burger” button on the top LH side of the page - with the exception of Discuss.

On that page the button jumps from the LH side of the page over to the right and only seems to allow you to navigate between discuss categories.

Nothing major I know, but I just thought I’d mention it as I had noticed it.

This forum used Discourse, but the rest of the site is generated using metalsmith, a static site generator built on node.js.

The site came first, then the Discourse forum was added after. I think it’d be weird to have the rest of the site nav in discourse’s menu, and vice versa. That is, of course, my opinion.

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On the other hand, I can’t find any links back to the main page on Discuss.

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This is actually something that @Morgan_Hardwood had pointed out quite some time ago, and I keep meaning to do it (I swear!). Especially now that there’s a way to do it from directly in the forum itself. I’ll revisit it soon (if someone wants to add an issue for it, that’d be awesome too).

Oh yeah, is there anything you can do about the kerning in the PIXLS.US text/logo thing in the header here and other places on the main site? The L is practically touching the S, and there are huuuge gaps around the I, especially between the I and X.

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