With GIMP and G’MIC:
G’MIC Colorgrading, Mixer [PCA], Tone Enhance and Curves:
@pphoto I had not used the retouch module before so thought that I would give it a go. However I can’t get the paths to remain visible after making the initial selection. How do you do that?
I make a selection and see the initial path but I don’t get the path around the source area which you have.
I can make another selection and then go back and click on the make paths visible icon on the module and then I can see the selection area.
I’m using 3.0.2 on Windows so perhaps it is a bug or feature missing from my version?
Very nice version. Would you care to share you sidecar file or otherwise explain your workflow?
Thanks. This is the darktable sidecar:
2009-04-04 at 12-30-44.CR2.xmp (15.2 KB)
After that I just did a bit of sharpening (RL deconvolution) & denoising (anisotropic) using Gimp & GMIC.
After you add a shape the retouch module stays in ‘add new shape’ mode until you click the right mousebutton. Then you see the shapes again.
Move the mouse above the target area, hold the SHIFT key and scroll down with the mousewheel. This increases the fading area around your shape. Maybe it’s initially so small that you can’t see it.
Ahhhh that does it, but I still think something is not right. When I make the selection, left clicking the points and right click to finish the shape that I have just drawn disappears the mouse pointer still has the little + attached and it is only when I right click that the path reappears. Thanks I’ll get there in the end.
@Chris_Harris If you want, start a new thread with your questions. Would make it easier to find in the future.
OK I will in the future… Not sure this any further to run as I can make it work, can you shed light on whether it is intended behaviour? If not I’ll file a bug report.
Here is my take on your picture, I tried not to over-do it :
I upped and contrasted the colors (velvia - vibrance - chroma equaliser - white balance)
Manipulated the dynamic a bit to enhance the light cast/shadow effect on the land (filmic rgb and bloom properly set with multiply layer effect and a gradient mask, a trick I learned here!).
I still can’t manage blown highlights (clouds) properly in DT (and looking for some advices).
It’s a very nice picture, thanks for sharing, just the clouds …
Whoa very surreal @clind, I like it.
Incredible scenery!
Very nice shot with this low sun light2009-04-04 at 12-30-44-art-2.jpg.out.arp (10.8 KB)
Thanks for that Bloom tip. Not something I use often but I’ll try to remember that trick with the mask and blend mode. As for the sky some the posts here I think have handled it well and as far as advice goes have you watched the video that @pphoto posted showing his edit?
That’s a nice photo for the ol postcard saturation edit.
Wonderful image, with beautiful colors.
Did a 5 minute take in RT and it felt right already:
2009-04-04 at 12-30-44_R.jpg.out.pp3 (12.0 KB)
I did watch but di not pin point yet what part of the edit gave his clouds a less saturated look but I’ll diownload his sidecar file and play around with it