I really like this photograph, it was fun to edit and I learned a lot. The biggest trouble for me was to get rid of the vignette, its far from perfect, but I don’t know what I could do besides cropping.
Thank you very much for sharing!
this is my attemp with darktable 3.0.2
the sidecar file
2009-04-04 at 12-30-44.CR2.xmp (55.1 KB)
@AndreLehner Very nice, my favourite of all the efforts I think. What software did you use and would you mind sharing your process? Thanks
Oh, thank you
I used darktable and played around a lot, here is the xmp:
2009-04-04 at 12-30-44.CR2.xmp (45.4 KB)
After that I opened the exported file in Gimp and sharpened it a bit more with the unsharp mask at radius 3 and 0,4.
It is one of those pictures where I immediately get a feeling that I want to be expressed and I try to get as close as possible with the colors and lighting first and then I see what I can do to have as much details as possible.
In this case I wanted it to be bright, the mountains and background more cool, just the sunrays making them a bit warm and in contrast the fields and houses quite warm. The sky as dynamic as I could and again in contrast to more warmish teal of the lake. A bit of the highlights in the clouds and the darks in the trees are blown out, but thats totally fine for me in a picture like this. With the saturation I always need to play around so that its vivid but still somehow natural.
Thank you again for the great shot, I really enjoyed the editing!