While testing out Filmulator, I eventually discovered that we have an objective non arguable “feature” in some apps, which change the pixel size in the image, from the default captured in the raw image.
I was definitely not expecting this, and a good number of photo editors I also checked with, do NOT make any changes to the pixels, which is what I would expect.
So when you mention “default” long before we get to the look, we have to contend with some easily measurable defaults that each app has chosen to use with respect to the image pixel size, which should not be a subject of debate.
If photo apps cannot agree on the exact image pixel dimensions of a digital image, obtained from an exact copy of the raw image capture, this is the kind of challenge we still face in 2021 with digital photography.
I am shocked about this, because I did not expect it. I should be able to trust a photo app to NOT add its own impression size wise, to the image.
So lets start with the simple defaults, the easy pickings, the default image size (pixel dimensions), should be correct.
I have pointed this out to the developer of Filmulator, in pretty precise detail, at the link below, in another thread.
But Filmulator is not alone in this issue, Darktable also modifies the image pixel dimensions. RawTherapee gets it right.
Continuing the discussion from Filmulator v0.11.0 released!: