Software for Easy Automated Video Editing

OT: I am looking for a video editor that somehow creates a more or less automated video.
This could be a plug-in for another editor or a standalone program. It could also be something like a front-end where a certain type of pre-set is choosen and than the selected videos are just pasted in.
Basically anything that makes video editing less painful and quicker.
At the moment I am working with kdenlive which is good and has a lot of features but it takes me forever to get a video done.
Any help is much appreciated.

It would be good to understand where exactly you struggle to give some hints, and what kind of video. I had some tasks where I automated several aspects of the process in several ways, but they are differing much dependent on the purpose. Some examples:

  • I had to add a title and clean up the audio and video of and add a title to some “pre-produced” videos. In quotes, because pre-produced meant, cutting was done by pausing the camera and switching to the next scene. I used a template in kdenlive where I kept the effects in the tracks and therefore only had to exchange the video and type in the new title.
  • I had to cut clips from several files into final videos where I found kdenlive like taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Therefore I used ffmpeg with an input text file.

What exactly do you want to automate or improve workflow-wise?

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Hmm, hard to answer. It is the entire workflow that is time consuming. I wish I could just drag a few clips into the program, select a basic theme (e.g. action, family, whatever), give a title and the program would put everything together, make a pre-selection of possible cuts and add some fitting music (including credits if necessary), tune the sound levels such that everything is on a decent level, make a title clip and end credits. Basically an okayish full video clip as a starting point which I than can start to edit on. Is that understandable?

I don’t think that is possible with current free software offerings. Not even sure its possible to automate that much with any software.

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Yes, I understand the reason, and purpose. I don’t know a F/LOSS tool that can do this. However, I wonder if a selection of templates for kdenlive in combination with a curated selection of music would already help you. Not that I have any.

I know that today’s smartphones do things like that, but tbh, I never saw a result that I felt satisfying.

Sorry that I have nothing to offer, but with your description it may have become clear to others what you are searching for and can help out.

I always thought that some of these action camera software packages offer this kind of “ready to go” video creation. Certainly not with significant editing options afterwards.
Anyway, any help is much appreciated on the way.

So something like this…but it looks like they got swallowed up into something to turn out bulk social media content…

now jellysmack

Not free either…

Just as a short feedback: I did not find any good software in this regard that was suitable.
What I do now is:

  • do regular edits → keeps me in the loop of editing
  • have a table with my keyboard shortcuts
  • use simple start and end credits (as a kind of template)
  • use the clip editor with punch in and punch out function for a basic edit

Hey Todd I’m also looking for a tool like Kamua. Actually Kamua would be perfect for my needs!! I’m looking for a software that automatically picks highlights from long videos or/and automatically converts horizontal videos to vertical format and tracks the objects. Subtitle automation would also we amazing. Is there anything like Kamua out there? A reply would be much appreciated!!!

If your editing needs are simple(simple cuts, fades etc), you could look into ffmpeg scripting. Don’t know your experience with programming but you can automate things a lot, for example: Have a text file that specifies which part of each video you want, and join it all together. Like so:

family 00:00 - 00:15

With this you can also add images in between, add a section for music etc. It seems like your needs are very specific so only you can create the perfect tool for your use case.

I just found that if I recall in a google search… I don’t do much video. I don’t have the time it takes… Maybe one day. I will take note of your post and if I land on anything I will get back to you…hopefully some others can help…

This is not exactly what you’re looking for but it is a fascinating adventure into scripting (and very well documented):

It’s more to automate vlog editing I’d say and maybe you don’t want to play with scripting, but check it out.

I don’t really do video so I don’t know if it meets your needs, but a popular FOSS one is Openshot