Solar Corona Blend

Shooting the solar eclipse in a few days. I will be bracketing 9 images during totality: 1EV between each image. Adorama produced a YouTube on photographing the eclipse and the preseter was Sam Honda. At the end Mr. Honda mentioned a YouTube video demonstrating how to blend bracketed solar corona images these shots into a single image. However, the editing software used is Lightroom.
Anyone know if there is a similar DR video demonstrating the steps in DR for blending corona?
Thanks in advance and God bless,
Genesius :pray: :camera_flash: :sunny:

I would think that he would have used Photoshop rather than Lightroom to do the blending. The closest equivalent would be Gimp (

If shooting from a tripod, darktable can create a merged HDR image. Hugin can also align and merge images. Plus HdrMerge and Luminance HDR.

Thanks @dtrtuser.
He may have said Photoshop. I know I heard Adobe and tuned out after that.
Thanks and God bless,

Thanks @kofa.
I will be using a tripod.
I’m not familiar with these applications. Are they freeware?
God bless,

Even better - they are open source. :wink: