[Solved] Bitbucket - can't login

Hello @agriggio, it seems that I can’t login to Bitbucket anymore to file an issue or to attch a translation. The page says:

We can't let you see this page, then Try another account (but I only have one).


It says that I don’t have access to this content in Bitbucket.

Perhaps related to this ?

I suggest you try contacting bitbucket. I didn’t change anything and I have no idea what to do, sorry…

Same here, I am logged in but can’t create an issue (not that I have an issue, just testing it).

Seems we’re not alone:

That’s what I suspected indeed

According to the Bitbucket status report, there have been no issues logged since March 16th. Odd.

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Problem is solved, so Bitbucket works again as before.

Was it normal that you can’t comment on issues of other users?

Edit: Just remember that it was not. But atm I can’t comment…

No, I notice the same thing today. Another Bitbucket glitch I suppose.