[Solved] Problems Opening Files in File Explorer


I have a huge Problem with my RT 5.1

I’ve anted to put all my Pictures in the File Manager of RT to edit them all in one.

But it doesn’t work…RT finds the correct Folder but doesn’t open the Files.

If I use the Windows File Explorer, search the Photo and open it, then RT will open the File and it works like it should.

Does anybody know what can I do to use the batch editing.

Sorry I’ve my English isn’t perfect but I’m from Germany and my English is not very good, but only a few People use RT here.

Thanks for your Help.

Best Regards.

RT’s file viewer does not have search capability. Instead, navigate to the folder containing in the right hand, tree view of your file system. You need to go to the lowest folder in the folder hierarchy, as RT will not show images in sub folders.

For Example it is like

  • C
    • Photos
      • 2017
        • Gwrmany
          • Raw

And the files I need are saved in the folder “RAW”.

Should i put the files in a folder which is on the Desctop?

I do not know, what you did exactly. But maybe this helps:

In contrast to single clicks to see subfolders in a folder in the leftmost panel, you have to double-click the folder name in the this left panel to show the files in the central panel with the thumbnails for image selection. In the central panel you can then again double click to open an image in the editor.


Thanks for your answer but this double-click in the left panel doesn’t work.

It’s not showing anything in the central panel.

Is the extension of your raw files enabled in preferences?

This is crazy…there was nothing.

Now there is ARW for my Sony and it really works!

THANK YOU SO MUCH heckflosse!

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Nichts zu danken :slight_smile:

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