Does G’mic export the icc colour profile as the imported profile?
For example, if I open a tiff file that has the ProPhoto profile assigned, does G’mic save/export the image as ProPhoto or does it use sRGB instead?
When I used the G’mic Gimp plug in, G’mic always exported back to Gimp with the original colour profile, but stand alone G’mic seems to export/save as sRGB.
Maybe someone can enlighten me please as to how G’mic handles icc profiles so I can use the stand alone version with ProPhoto.
Note that G’MIC is a general purpose tool. It views images as a set of pixels or voxels with values. Technically, it does not consider the profile or other image metadata.
Certain filters do have colour conversions embedded in them (particularly srgb2rgb and its counterpart), but most do not. I do not find the difference to be that great with or without the conversion. The plug-in does have the benefit of piggybacking off of the host editor’s colour management. So the workflow would be:
Colour managed image → G’MIC does something to the values → Return to the editor’s environment
I have a poor memory, maybe because I have been so busy. Not knowing your background, I am not sure whether building G’MIC yourself would be an option.
As for dt (spelled with lowercase letters BTW), there is Lua scripting. Something like ext_editor may be useful for you. Perhaps, start a new thread in the dt category for support in that area.