Some input on "recovering skies"

i found 7D needs a lower raw white point. I found 13580 a better white point reducing magenta in clipped highlights very well. Additional hightlight reconstruction in LCH an a one-size-fits-it-all filmic style (see Filmic RGB - loss of detail and saturation in high contrast scenes - #7 by MStraeten) gives a good base to tweak details - maybe desaturate the sky a bit to reduce the color difference between clipped and unclipped areas, increase color contrast in the green areas, …
IMG_1324.CR2.xmp (6.3 KB) (the file was processed with filmic v4 module but v3 setting, so there might be errors when importing the xmp with 3.0.x)

a little bit tweaking:
IMG_1324.CR2.xmp (8.8 KB)