Some Largeish Format Still Life

I’ve been playing around lately with a view camera and digital back to make these stitched large-ish format images, and I’ve come up with a few still scenes I’m pretty happy with.

There’s these flowers, where I used lens tilt to get as much of the flowers themselves in focus as I could while dropping the vase out of focus. And I did a close up of one of them with a ridiculous amount of detail in the in-focus areas if you zoom in.

Then more recently I made a still-life with some of my razors and a brush that I was pretty happy with. This one also uses lens tilt to get the plane of focus cutting through both the bristles on the brush and the blade of the straight razor. Although in retrospect I wish I’d gotten the camera a little bit higher because the edge of the table cut through my scene, although that was unfortunately easy to miss on the ground glass.

For all of these I initially edited the individual frames in Darktable, then used Hugin to stitch the final images.


I like also the HDD with cover removed.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

These are quite lovely, thanks for sharing!

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