Some PhF Layout suggestions

This version corresponds to a git commit from 19th of September, so rather old.

In order to test the belleding-edge version, I strongly suggest you to download and run the AppImage packages I am providing. The most recent one is

I do not know exactly how often the AUR packages are updated, but clearly this is not often enough to be able to try the most recent changes.

AUR isn’t updated, I can obtain new version as appimage only.

In fact, I have no control over the versions in the various package managers. That’s why I provide my own up-to-date AppImage package. It should be as fast and reliable as the version provided with a package manager.

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In fact AppImage don’t have direct link for check and download…

PF is dead?
For now - it can’t start, libraris are changed.

Not at all! I am currently working on the UI layout: PhotoFlow News and Updates - #424 by Carmelo_DrRaw

Which operating system and which package are you using?
The latest Linux AppImage is here.

Could you post the error messages you get when try to run the software?


Thanks, now I know link to check new appImages.
I’m working with Arch.

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I have an Arch computer at home (actually Manjaro), I will check from my side if I can run the AppImage correctly.

I’v checked apps from AUR, not appImages.

appImage works OK

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Where is color adjustment in a new version of PhF?

It is in the color group:

Is that what you are looking for?

I’m stupefied but PhF can’t open RAW from Fuji X-T4 :face_vomiting: Art and rawtherapee opens this raw without problems.

New camera new code required? Do share file for testing before complaining.


PhF is based on DT/RawSpeed. I just tried to update the code to the current DT/RawSpeed git head but the X-T4 is still not recognized. I am afraid we need to wait until proper support is added to DT.

RT/ART use a completely different RAW loading code.

Meanwhile the X-T4 doesn’t even ship until April 30th.

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I’m working with the last version of appimage and with the last version of AUR. Both have strange effect in Sharpen.DL Reconstruction plagin.

Artifacts removed with plugin only.

Hi! I cannot reproduce the problem. Could you maybe share the input image and the .pfi file?


Here is sample image from X100S and .pfi (24.8 MB)