Some PhF Layout suggestions

Having nothing better to do than steal this thread, I downloaded some raws from the DPReview studio scene comparison tool to look at their black levels:

 glenn@mojave:~/Photography/DPReview StudioRaws$ exiftool -G -ISO -*BlackLevel* * 
======== Canon_EOS_5DS_R-ISO100.CR2
[EXIF]          ISO                             : 100
[MakerNotes]    Average Black Level             : 2047 2047 2047 2047
[MakerNotes]    Per Channel Black Level         : 2047 2047 2047 2047
======== Canon_EOS_5DS_R-ISO12800.CR2
[EXIF]          ISO                             : 12800
[MakerNotes]    Average Black Level             : 2049 2049 2049 2049
[MakerNotes]    Per Channel Black Level         : 2061 2062 2036 2036
======== Canon_EOS_5DS_R-ISO800.CR2
[EXIF]          ISO                             : 800
[MakerNotes]    Average Black Level             : 2048 2048 2048 2048
[MakerNotes]    Per Channel Black Level         : 2049 2049 2047 2047
======== Nikon_Z7-ISO100.NEF
[EXIF]          ISO                             : 64
[MakerNotes]    Black Level                     : 1008 1008 1008 1008
======== Nikon_Z7-ISO12800.NEF
[EXIF]          ISO                             : 12800
[MakerNotes]    Black Level                     : 1008 1008 1008 1008
======== Nikon_Z7-ISO800.NEF
[EXIF]          ISO                             : 800
[MakerNotes]    Black Level                     : 1008 1008 1008 1008
    6 image files read

Two comparable cameras, the Canon EOS 5DS R and the Nikon Z7. Note that I renamed the files so I can remember what they are next week…

Definitely ISO-dependent in the Canon. I really don’t know much about sensor performance that would affect such, but it shows the need to handle it in the raw processor…


O! Which vitalizing :smiley:
I’m working with Fujifilm only.

Well, I’m waiting for corrected version PhF, what about it?

BTW, black level correction still gives artefacts:


Relax, it’ll come when its ready.

Unfortunately teleworking and confinement with kids are making life much more complicated than usual, and development on PhF is proceeding much slower than before… but it’s not dead, I guarantee!

Can you provide a Fujifilm RAW file and the black level settings (or better the .pfi) that produce the artefacts? Thanks!

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Now I see that artifacts produced by “local contrast”. At least I see that after this setting.sample.tar.bz2 (18.9 MB)

I fixed the artifacts due to the local contrast tool. The fix is committed both in the 0.3.0-rc1 and stable branches. New packages should be ready as soon as Travis CI jobs will be triggered. As there seems to be some disruption of the Travis/GitHub connection, this might take a while…

This messages still make me nervous…

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What’s happened? Covid?

Fortunately not, but I am still confined and working less efficiently than usual. IN addition, I have a very big amount of daily work to take care of.

Anyway, I am on the TIFF pages issue you reported. This is a long standing problem, that I never really managed to understand, but now I am back on that and hopefully I will find the proper fix. It looks like I am screwing up the EXIF data when saving the output image…

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I think I have finally fixed the EXIF data in the exported images, and the multiple pages should not appear anymore.

Could you please confirm at your earliest convenience?

OK, partly :smile:
Now GIPM on load says:

"TIFF image Message

ASCII value for tag “Copyright” contains null byte in value; value incorrectly truncated during reading due to implementation limitations

Message repeated 3 times"

One message with this text.

One addition: on resize I was amazed with default ppi - 1 point to mm!

I will fix this in the next version, but things seem to be definitely going in the good direction!

M-m-m… Version PhotoFlow_git_v0.3.0-rc1_linux_20200608_0902_482fd.AppImage just the same effect…

True, however I have finally completed some work on the layers list that was pending since a while… now some of the layers are marked as “sticky”, that is they cannot be hidden or moved. This is for example the case for the background layer, which is the root of the whole processing:

Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 3.53.31 PM

Notice the checkbox for the background layer, that is grayed and in-active. I have also moved all checkboxes to the right for better alignment.

I’m trying to check RAW from GFX100 and fail. What you can say about support of this camera?

I downloaded a sample RAW file and checking it right now… most likely it will require updating the RawSpeed code. I will let you know as soon as there will be a new package ready for testing.

Thank you.

@Chawoosh you can find new AppImage and windows packages in the usual release page, that should properly support the GFX100 raws. For macOS I have some build issues and therefore the packages will be a bit delayed…