Some users are not receiving activation email

Hi @paperdigits and @darix,

Reading reddit I have seen some users trying to sign-up but not receiving the email.

Mentioning it just in case something is not fine at all in discuss.

Reddit thread:

Thank you beforehand!

Might be related to Forum messages are no longer delivered to my mailbox - #5 by jimoe

Already reached out to that person and they “did not want to share personal information with a stranger” so :person_shrugging:

There were quite a few bounced or not sent emails in our log.

Email is hard.

For the record, they should go into the IRC/matrix room and if they don’t want to be public, send a PM to someone.


Or use an alias email (eg Proton has like 10 free ones).

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@paperdigits I am personally having this email activation issue. I have recently just started to get back into the swing of things after a long time away. Have been trying to change my email address but I am not receiving the confirmation email. I am using a well known email provider as in gmail so not sure what is going on. I am willing to answer questions or try suggestions feel free to shoot me a DM and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Please make sure is allow listed in your email client.

Tried to add the domain as a filter in the Gmail web client with the not spam option. Seems to have not changed anything still not getting the confirmation email.

We’re working on changing email providers. Hang tight.