@paperdigits I am personally having this email activation issue. I have recently just started to get back into the swing of things after a long time away. Have been trying to change my email address but I am not receiving the confirmation email. I am using a well known email provider as in gmail so not sure what is going on. I am willing to answer questions or try suggestions feel free to shoot me a DM and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Tried to add the domain as a filter in the Gmail web client with the not spam option. Seems to have not changed anything still not getting the confirmation email.
Currently my account is linked with a social login (so no password), but I want to add a password. I’ve done this dozens of times on different Discourse servers by now, and it’s pretty easy, I just say I “forgot my password,” receive the email to reset the password, then set a password. From then on I don’t need the social login account at all, just use email and password to log in.
But for this Discourse instance, even though it says an account was found for the email so I will receive the password reset email, I haven’t received anything. I did check my spam folder, and it’s nothing exotic, just using Gmail.
@paperdigits Hello, do you have any news about this? I tried today to create an account only with username + password but I am not receiving the confirmation email which allows to activate the account.
I ended up creating an account with a google account (And I am writing this message with this newly created account). But I would prefer to have the option to create an account without google/twitter/github.
Hi, ok thank you for your answer! I think it would be very important to fix this problem as I am sure a lot of other users don’t like to use google/twitter/github to create accounts!
Yes, it is quite important. Since we take donations only to fund running this place, we are trying to fund a cost effective solution, as we take using people’s donations efficiently quite seriously.
So if I understand it correctly you are waiting for Discourse to fix the problem on their end?
I don’t understand the last part of your message. You mean that Discourse receives so many account creation requests that it can’t keep up and send account creation confirmations to everyone?
no, we host our own discourse. we’re waiting to hear back from a new email provider.
Account creations are not the only event that triggers an email by default. There are a lot of events (too many if you ask me) that cause an email to be sent to a user. Discourse, our forum app, sends a lot of emails.
But then is it the fact that too many email have to be sent that makes the system not work? And then with the new email provider this will fix the problem because it will be able to catch up with all the emails?
Or is it for another reason?
Sorry I try to understand
no. usually for bulk email sending you’d user a bulk email sending service like Mailgun or similar. For that you pay per email (or per thousand emails) and it can get quite expensive… we’d rather not be paying $90/month for email services, because we think that isn’t a great use of people’s donations. So we’re talking with a few email hosts to see if we can get discounted rates, so we can continue to operate the forums without having to beg everyone for donations.