Hello Community,
due to home office there is too much time to play around with photos!
I’d like to report some artifacts that appear in some cases with X-Trans images. When viewing in normal scale, the dots don’t stand out. But to adjust sharpening, I always use 100% view.
Here are three screenshots to visualize the problem:
Thanks a lot for the files.
There is definitely a bug somwhere. Left shows the dots, right does not show the dots. The only difference between left and right is, that in right I switched to Mono and then back to 3-pass (which should give the same result as in left)
Ah no, he merged dev into his branch. Anyway, tomorrow it will be merged into dev I guess. Then maybe another day to merge dev into the other branches (newlocallab for example)
Thanks a lot to @heckflosse and @jdc!
Just downloaded RawTherapee_newlocallab_5.8-1964-g0436674b3_20200515. When using Preprocess White Balance mode = Camera the dots are much less prominent than before. Switching to Mono and back to 3-pass lets them disappear completely.