Sonoma 14.5 & RT 5.10

Sorry to be a pain again. Mac OS Sonoma 14.5 is out and my M1 Mac Mini keeps reminding me to perform the update. On previous occasions, whenever I have performed an update of the Mac OS, RawTherapee always gets gets affected - usually stops opening or displays the “quit unexpectedly” error. So I’m resisting the update for now - but has anyone done it - and found it to be without problems? Thanks in advance.

I went ahead and performed the update to Sonoma 14.5 anyway (thanks to a tip-off from a forum member over on Digital Preview). Pleased to say, RT 5.10 works perfectly fine. No issues, or bugs, or glitches to report (so far!).

I’m building and running RT on macOS 15β2 Sequoia without issues. (M1)

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