Hey guys, I just want to check back here before I file a bug report. Perhaps I am the problem. =)
I use darktable v3.0.2. I love the new culling mode and it helps me a lot with the typical tasks I do with this software. Since version 3.0.2, when in culling mode, there seems to be some sorting weirdness.
When in culling mode, and i “view=all”, and “sort by=time”, when I add rating to pictures (like stars or reject), the pictures then sometimes suddenly re-arrange, re-sort after I apply the rating. Why does this happen? If I sort by time (which is my always on default setting), this should not happen. I don’t sort by rating? Actually, it’s also not sorted by rating. The sorting (then, after rating) instead makes no sense to me?
I am quite sure this didn’t happen in v3.0.1, but not 100%. The bug is bad, because when inspecting pictures and comparing them, it is of course not helpful when they re-arrange suddenly.
Thanks for feedback, airflow