sorting misbehave (bug?) when in culling mode

Hey guys, I just want to check back here before I file a bug report. Perhaps I am the problem. =)

I use darktable v3.0.2. I love the new culling mode and it helps me a lot with the typical tasks I do with this software. Since version 3.0.2, when in culling mode, there seems to be some sorting weirdness.

When in culling mode, and i “view=all”, and “sort by=time”, when I add rating to pictures (like stars or reject), the pictures then sometimes suddenly re-arrange, re-sort after I apply the rating. Why does this happen? If I sort by time (which is my always on default setting), this should not happen. I don’t sort by rating? Actually, it’s also not sorted by rating. The sorting (then, after rating) instead makes no sense to me?

I am quite sure this didn’t happen in v3.0.1, but not 100%. The bug is bad, because when inspecting pictures and comparing them, it is of course not helpful when they re-arrange suddenly.

Thanks for feedback, airflow

I never use time filter but apart of that, never see this behavior on master. Anyway, all lighttable (including culling mode) has seen a complete overhaul and some bugs related to that view (and filters/rating) have been fix. As all this will be part of 3.2 release, just coming in august (probably around 10th), I suggest you to wait for 3.2 and test again on it to check if this is ok with 3.2. 3.2 will also fix lot of others bugs users could see in 3.0.2.

So, just be patient, it’s in less than a month.