Spider Drama outside kitchen window (NSFP = Not Suitable for Pat)

Hi, all,

This morning, a drama appeared outside our kitchen window.
A spider caught a fly in the net, and started to encapsulate it.
I had time to test several exposures, but none was sufficiently good.
Extremely back-lit — clear sky behind.

This is my best attempt at developing the shot.

Can you develop it better? – And – how the **** shoot a situation like this?
Remember, this is taken through a window, and a full power flash
would just create very ugly reflections in the window pane…

DSCF1176.RAF (54.2 MB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


I’m not on my PC atm, but I would just blow the background completely… make it sort of high-key…

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The spider is outside the window…so go outside and eliminate the window!


hmmm… open the window or if possible go outside. a flash, reflector or mirror would do the rest.

Kitchen Window Drama (NSFP = Not Suitable for Pat)_DSCF1176.RAF.xmp (15.6 KB)

OK, here’s mine. I’m stuck at home with a mild flu :sneezing_face: and feeling grumpy - just so you know… :slightly_smiling_face:

I can’t help thinking that iso 1600 and a shutter speed of 1/16 000th seems just a little unnecessary. :thinking:

DSCF1176(1).RAF.xmp (10.3 KB)


g’day, mate!

I can’t help thinking that iso 1600 and a shutter speed of 1/16 000th seems just a little unnecessary. :thinking:

Easy to explain: half a minute before I was chasing highly volatile UFOs,
trying to catch one in flight mode.

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Ah, well that explains it! I’m impressed actually, my D750 only goes up to 1/4000th… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

First clean yer windows then backlight the beastie…

YT - Camera Club Live - Dark background backlighting technique

Better luck tonight!

The hunter awaits next prey…

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


Severe arachnophobe here. A clear warning in the title would be much appreciated by folks like me.

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