I’m interested in attempting to color-calibrate my display. I have two monitors, one is an IPS panel and the other TN. Maybe it’s hopeless to do anything color related on the TN panel, but in an ideal world I could calibrate my IPS panel and then do something to my TN panel that doesn’t make it identical but makes it closer. Or maybe at some point I will replace my TN monitor.
I’m using arch linux, which has packages supporting displaycal and/or argyllcms, so am not too worried about getting the hardware set up, at least for the SpyderX pro, which several people report using with these tools. However, the SpyderX elite advertises itself as being able to support multiple monitors. I don’t mind paying extra for the SpyderX elite if it works and has some chance of helping with multiple monitors, but would be sad if it actually works less well than the SpyderX pro under linux.
Does anyone have experience with the SpyderX elite under linux, or advice on whether it’s a good or bad idea to get the elite rather than the pro? Thanks.
For what it’s worth – I can’t help you on Linux since I’ve not run a Linux desktop for about a year, but I can confirm under Windows the SpyderX Pro colorimeter (hardware) works with multiple monitors. I’ve calibrated my laptop’s built-in panel as well as my external HDMI monitor with it. I would suspect the multi-monitor support (or not) would be related to the software, not the hardware, so if Argyll supports it I presume you’re OK.
The only difference between the Pro and the Elite is, as far as I’m aware, the license code in the box. The hardware is the same but the software provided by Datacolor has more options with an ‘Elite’ license. As that software isn’t available for Linux, no advantage is gained by buying an ‘Elite’ license when running Linux exclusively.
If you can at all afford it, get the X-Rite/CaliBrite i1Display Pro (or whatever it’s called these days). It’s vastly superior to the Spyder range. Or, perhaps more accurately, the Spyders are inferior and arguably overpriced.
It looks like that product has been discontinued, unfortunately. A used 1Display pro on ebay is still more expensive than a new SpyderX pro, and I’m not sure how well any of the replacement products, CaliBrite ColorChecker Display/Display Plus/Studio work with linux. Does anyone have firsthand experience with the newer products on linux/Xorg?
You want the Display or Display Pro. Not sure if there is an actual difference in hardware, or if it’s just the bundled software that differentiates them (which is what DataColor does with the Spyders) - try asking over on the DisplayCAL forums about that.
And yes, it’s more expensive, but as explained in one of my previous links, you’re much better off spending that bit more.
I agree with @Donatzsky as far as the type of hardware concerns (better the X-Rite/ColorMunki Monitor calibrate), and with @polynomos as far as the combination of SpyderX version with combination of linux.
Thanks to the suggestions here, I ordered a Colorchecker Display instead of the SpyderX.
I’m happy to report that arch linux already has a package for displaycal, and it seems to run fine (though I don’t have my colorchecker display yet). They are using this fork of displaycal ported to python3, which has a commit as recently as November, so is probably still maintained.