St. Monan’s used to be a centre for collecting sea salt, a windmill was used to pump the seawater up to boilers. I had hope to get some pictures, but the light was so harsh that all I got was highlights and shadows, no midtones whatsoever.
The lighting definitely makes it tricky!
I created four exposures in Filmulator (-1 to +2EV), blended with Enfuse.
Into GIMP. Used luminosity masks to add back contrast in the mid-range.
Added saturation to sky, water and parts of the rocks.
Another attempt. By way of an experiment I created three tiff, -1, +2, and +3 EV. I pre-treated these in GIMP before blending them with Enfuse. The result is not significantly better than my previous try, but I must experiment further in this direction.
This is a really good one for practice because the dynamic range is so challenging.
I have a done a version with tons of detail in the shadows and highlights, but it was looking unnatural, so I embraced the blooming highlights a bit with this Filmic RGB version:
And for completeness, a version using AgX from the latest build from Kofa. This one I find a little too crispy, but I wanted to try out some different techniques. I used the contrast slider in Color Balance RGB and set different fulcrums for the highlights and shadows.