State of the Libre Graphics - Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE 18x)

Howdy all!

Next weekend some of us (@paperdigits, @n8willis, and more?) will be converging on the Southern California Linux Expo, SCaLE 18x to help with a “Libre Graphics” track on Sunday. We’ve been trying to get some traction at SCaLE to present various graphics-related projects and we’re now entering our third year.


In spite of my being incognito for much of this past year, I really want (need) to get back into the swing of things and actively working with the communities again. (That’s a post for another time :slight_smile: ).

As such, we have reserved a presentation slot at the track for us to give updates on the various projects. We are trying to gather as much information about all the wonderful projects here (among others) to present. This is where I’m turning to the community for a little help…

If you have a moment, can you please visit this hackmd document:

and please fill in any relevant information for us that you may have?

We only need a handful of highlights to report on, so a few bullet points of major advances over the past year would be very helpful.
In particular I would love to get more information out there about projects that might not be as well known yet. So I’d love if folks like @CarVac, @Carmelo_DrRaw, @ggbutcher, @LebedevRI, @damonlynch, @lock042, @heckflosse and any other project owners/maintainers/packagers could maybe take a few minutes and help us to spread the word.

Don’t worry about proofreading or making it perfect, @paperdigits and I will put it all together into a presentation for Sunday. If you have a relevant graphic or something visual that would help also! If you contribute some information, feel free to add your name to the bottom of the document (or account name, whatever’s comfortable for you).

Also, remember that we are coming up on the Libre Graphics Meeting 26-29 May in Rennes, France. We will share the material for SCaLE with them (unless someone else provides individual reports to them). This way we can combine/re-use the material for everyone.

As always, feel free to ping us if you’d like, and you can always find some of us hanging around on #PIXLS.US on freenode IRC.


Oh, and I hope it goes without saying, but if you’re in the neighborhood or attending the conference please reach out to @paperdigits or I and we can plan to grab a coffee or meal together!

Also bring a camera, we will probably shoot around the Pasadena area in the evening on Saturday, I’d imagine.

Hey. Tell me what you need, I will try to work on it this week.

Thanks a lot.

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Also, ping @agriggio for an ART update! :slight_smile:

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Done for Kdenlive, let me know if you need me to clarify anything.


Done for Photoflare. Started with a massive list from release notes but I’ve cleaned it up for presenting now.


RT now has three bullets. Website, macOS Catalina support, and @agriggio’s ART hardfork.

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message deleted by the author

Message redacted by author.

hi @hiram i’ve deleted my message.

i still expect the communication around this “duplicate” of the state of libre graphics to be improved, so that the projects do not risk to confuse the two events and it’s clear what each of the events ask them to deliver.

Maybe keep an eye on this:

I added some words about Photoflow, although a bit late…

Nope you’re still good @Carmelo_DrRaw!

Yes, @ale you’re right that we need to make sure the messaging is clear and we have been also trying to ping projects and remind them that they can certainly re-use any material they pull together as well as maybe get them thinking about their reports for the LGM “State of” presentation! We’ll get what we have over to you as soon as we can.

Speaking of which, it makes sense to also include the big annual LGM/Rennes in a slide at SCaLEx so the audience is also aware of it (not sure how many in the audience might be on the continent for it, but it’s certainly important to increase visibility however we can).

@anon41087856 any chance you could summarize just a few points on darktable stuff from this past year (I have no idea how to summarize the advances you’ve been working on well).

When is it due ? (darktable 3.0.1 is due in 3 days, can it wait ?)

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Crap. We’re giving the presentation on Sunday. Do you want me to ask someone else that might be able to summarize things a bit?

I can summarize darktable

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Over the top of my head, new stuff in dt in 2019/early 2020:

  • new feature: reordering of modules in the pipeline, that allowed a new module default order more respectful of light transport and therefore more compatible with scene-linear editing workflow,
  • new modules for the scene-linear workflow: curves and levels RGB, tone equalizer for details-preserving local tonemapping (à la dodge and burn) without halos,
  • consequence of the 2 previous : modules can now use either Lab or RGB colour spaces any place in the pipe, conversion are made on-the-fly with the working RGB profile.
  • new feature: workspaces, as GUI module presets, allowing to show only a minimal and curated selection of modules in GUI for portrait, architecture, high ISO, or landscape photography.
  • new culling view in lighttable,
  • new RGB 3D LUT module (HaldClut and .cube),
  • new feature: select which metadata are included in exported files (allows to remove GPS tags or add credits), exposes all IPTC, EXIF, and XMP metadata to create custom recipies,
  • new feature: rework of the tagging module, hierarchical tags management and search
  • new feature: GUI cleaning, with a simpler style (no borders, drop shadows, etc.), and full CSS-theming capability. 4 default styles provided. Sidebars can now be dynamically resized, hidden with keyboard shortcuts, as well as histogram.
  • new feature: focus peaking, showing the sharpest areas in the image in darkroom, lighttable and thumbnails
  • new feature: image assessment mode (compatible ISO 12646), quickely displays the image over a middle grey background with a white frame, to better judge contrast and average exposure while getting rid of optical illusions such as Hunt effect, Stevens effect, and Bartelson-Breneman effect.
  • improvement: performance of the lighttable for 4K displays and above
  • new feature : AVIF and HEIF file format support, with PQ and HLG core curves (HDR) and DCI P3 color space

Upcoming features:

  • full rewrite of the lighttable with basic GTK widgets, for better caching and performance,
  • full rewrite of the pipe reordering feature, saving the pipe order in database + XMP for each image (more robust), and allowing pipe order presets and reverting to 2.6 or 3.0 default pipe order
  • unit tests built-in at compilation time,
  • integration tests to compare OpenCL vs. plain C pipeline output consistency
  • rewrite of the documentation in Markdown to simplify integration on website and contributions
  • GMIC compressed HaldClut support,
  • new module : negadoctor, invert and simulate print for film negatives scans, based on Kodak Cineon densitometry system.

That was just the few things that came to mind, there are much more. We are already something like 780 commits after 3.0