Strange Snow Forms

This is a style that will not appeal to all but I have a series of such images that can be seen in many ways (writhing bodies for instance). I originally did this processing, some time ago, using the ‘base curve’ approach but in this version I have tried to replicate the effect using Filmic RGB in the latest git version. Regretfully I still need the shadows-and-highlights module … I wish there was an alternative.

20160311_0157.RAF (31.9 MB) 20160311_0157.RAF.xmp (10.2 KB)
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

I added a ‘play_raw’ to the options for those interested.


The notion of a filmic curve has a distinctive shape to support a specific outcome. If you need another curve to push/pull tones where you desire is not a bad thing, although you need to be vigilant about their counter-dynamics. Especially for monochrome; once you abandon all threat of color, your ability to swing tone in drastic directions increases…

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That is a bit extreme but AWESOME! I haven’t looked at the sidecar file yet, but I wanted to see what I can do without knowing. Personally, the linear workflow and only using certain modules while avoiding others, is something I have to warm up to. If I get a result I like, “linear, shminear,” it works for me. Anyway, this isn’t a playraw but maybe it should be.

20160311_0157.RAF.xmp (14.1 KB) 20160311_0157_01.RAF.xmp (14.6 KB)

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