Strange tiff files after exportying

Since yesterday the .tiff files I exported from Darktable - version 5.01 - look strange in the external editor (Affinity photo). They look totally washed out and dark, image yust barely visible. And also the histogram is only a very narrow peak. All tiffs I made before yesterday in (the same version of) Darktable still look well. Same thing happens when I open the tiffs in Irfanview: good when made before yesterday, bad liked described above since yesterday. This is not only the case with new photographs, but also with tiff files from photographs that gave good tiffs before, when I edit them in Darktable again. I have a Window 11 computer. Maybe I changed some setting or preset accidentally, but I have no clue where.
I have uninstalles and re-installed DT, but the problem persists. I hope someone has acure.


If it’s an issue with your setup (most likely), uninstalling and reinstalling won’t help: configuration etc is stored as user data, which are not removed during an uninstall (or you’d lose all edits).

Perhaps check the “profile” and “intent” settings in the export module? (an unfortunate mouse scroll could have changed them)

I tried other intend and profile settings, but whichever I choose, the problem remains. It mich have something to do with exporting though, because the .tiff file and histogram look OK on Darktable, but once exported the problem appears. And even when I export an image without editing anything in it, the problem exists in the .tiff file


the same thing happens with jpegs ?, but i think it’s a color profile problem

Do you mean “When I export to a TIFF file and then open that file in darktable, it looks ok”, or
“Before exporting, the image looks ok, but the exported TIFF file looks wrong in other programs”?

The sudden change in behaviour makes me suspect it’s a colour space problem somewhere, and as it appears on any exported file, the export module is a logical suspect.

You can of course try to reset the export module (then you’ll have to reselect your export settings).

You could also post an image here, perhaps (or on dropbox or similar if they are too big). That’s only useful if the tiff has full metadata attached, though (the XMP sidecar is probably not useful)

Could you share some screenshots of the output color profile and export modules? That would make it much easier to help.

I meant this: “Before exporting, the image looks ok, but the exported TIFF file looks wrong in other programs”?
I reset the export module and selected my export settings and it woks well again.

Thank you very much for your help,

What is your export profile…and is there a style selected by accident in the export …just checking…