I updated to 4.3 +2296 this morning, and just noticed that the white balance module is giving very strange readings:
This is set to “as shot”, the image looks fine, but it’s very hard to adjust anything using the temp and tint sliders. Actually, moving the temp slider even a little gives a black image.
I opened the same image in 4.3 +1435 and the image looks the same, i.e. fine but the WB module is giving expected readings, something around 4800K and tint near 1.0
Have I missed anything?
OpenCL is active. Workflow is set to ‘none’.
For me all looks normal; in either mode “camera preset” and and “WB as shot” I can move sliders and don’t see strange settings. I am on Windows 11; have a Pentax; use dng file format
I can replicate @123sg problem with the latest build using a Pentax raw file and change the setting from as shot, to daylight or tungsten doesn’t shift the slider position even though the color changes.
I just added a note to the issue on Github that it’s not only the camera reference setting affected, but all other values (as used for legacy WB) as well.