Striped pattern removal

On the pictures taken on a family birthday there is a striped brightness pattern presumably due to the lamps’ frequency. Is there any darktable module to remove that?

I remember that i took the pictures in the silent mode of my Nikon Z6 II, that might explain the horizontal striped brightness pattern. Anyway, I would like to remove it.

I am not sure how this problem could be tackled. Can you post a sample file for people to play around with. What was the lighting source?



More likely banding caused by the combination of LED lights and electronic shutter. I don’t think there is a simple fix to that in post processing.

Most recent cameras let you fine tune the shutter speed in small increments to prevent it in the first place.

You might try to use two instances of exposure module masking the brighter/darker stripes and then use exposure mapping to match the lightness. And maybe do the same with Color calibration to match colors.
But better lern to properly set your camera shutter speed if there is led illumination … that’ a more easy approach

Ya I wasn’t sure from the comment if they “knew” it was the lights or just thought it might be…without seeing what they were talking about I just threw it out there… but likely it is an LED frequency thing…

Presumably it’s this kind of banding:

I don’t know or use dt but this may help on a general knowledge basis:

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…this might be worth a look assuming that the stripes are regularly spaced:

Unless @maver can post a sample image or screenshot of the problem we are all guessing blind here what the problem is. The forum is here to help but without an image we can’t be of much help.