Style transfer soon in G'MIC

In case you want to be a beta-tester of the initial version of the Style Transfer filter, I’ve already put it in the plug-in for GIMP and Krita (available in entry Testing / Ronounours / Stylize). (@lylejk ?)

This is a beta version, so don’t expect too much from it (except heating your CPUs a lot :sweat_smile:).
Several things to know before testing:

  • You’ll need latest G’MIC version 2.4.2, and to press the filter update button before the filter appears.
  • The algorithm is computationally intensive, you shouldn’t even give a try if you don’t have at least 2-4 CPU cores (or use very small images).
  • Tweaking the parameters change the result a lot. It’s a bit hard to figure out what to change to obtain the desired result, at a first glance. I’ve tried to set reasonable default parameters, but this doesn’t work well with all the pre-defined styles.
  • There are some pre-defined styles, but you can also use your own style image. Here again, better results will be achieved if the style and target images are not too much differents. Trial and errors are necessary to get the best out of it.

And of course, please, please share all the cool results you get with this filter !
I’ve put a lot of energy in this, and having the impression the filter may be able to render cool stuffs will make my life a bit less tough :slight_smile:
Last thing : don’t expect wonderful results out-of-the-box. The filter often renders crappy results !

Now, it’s your turn :hot_face: