Styles had unexpected result

I have a few basic adjustments I always make to every photo I process. I thought that the best way to save time is to take all those adjustments with the default settings and create a style that I can apply to all at once in Lighttable. When I made my style with all those basic adjustments and then applied the style some of the photos turned very weird colors. I then tried to make the style with all the adjustments marked “reset” and experienced the same weird colors in SOME of the photos after the style was applied. What gives? I never have this problem if I make edits to just one photo in the set and then copy the history stack from one to all but for some reason, trying to use styles does not work well. Am I doing something wrong? Is a style that much different than copying a history stack and applying it to multiple images?

You might be copying a weird WB or other setting if you are not careful…these are not going ot update on a per image basis and so would replace say the correct WB…its all speculation though…you can share your style and then the group could take a look and comment once we can see the exact composition…

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I suspect your problem comes from copying the raw black/white point which is individual for specific cameras and ISO settings. I copy only the minimum number of modules that are required for the unique style. In this case shown I would only copy four modules. The others are applied anyway as required.

Makes sense! Thanks!