Styles // how to setup with auto pickup color from image in the style

I’ve created a style with based on this guide:

So my style contains:
Exposure, Chroma & Saturation in Filmic RGB, black and white relative exposure adjustment in Filmic RGB and Local contrast.
I used ‘auto’ button (pick color from image) as pointed in the guide mentioned above. Unfortunately, when I use the style to other image, the style use the same parameters in absolute values as in original image used to create the style. Instead of that, I would like to ‘force’ style to use ‘pick color from image’ on every image based on that image. Is there any way to do this?

Oh, yes, I have the very same question and for all the module having an ‘auto’ option : is it possible to store ‘auto’ mode in style and not the resulting parameters from the auto mode of the ‘base’ image used to create the style.
Pretty tricky work to implement this feature imho : you must store ‘auto mode’ and resulting parameters in the history stack and compute ‘auto mode’ only once when you apply the style, then use the computed parameters.

But great feature if it’s possible.

That is the issue with styles. They will use the values in effect when you save them… no automatic color selection…

Using this lua script gives you a module that will automate some of the basic modules and allow some minor automation like setting filmic autoexposure the tone eq mask and a few other things…

Marks guide refers to auto picking for the white and black relative exposures correct?? Not a color??

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Yes, you’re right. And I would like also to get style ‘auto pick’… Any clues?

Sorry, do you want to have styles auto-applied… if so you can’t but you can have presets that are auto applied so you can sort of build a default style… I’m not 100 percent sure what you want…

Thanks for the reply. In general, I know how to use styles, etc.
What I want is to apply steps 5-6 automatically when I apply style with ‘filmic RGB’ module. Know, when I use the style, I need to open every image and click these two buttons to adjust image.

" (…) In the “Filmic” module, click the bottom (5) auto button, wait for it to do its thing, and then click the top (6) auto button. (…) "