Sunset at a subway station

Thank you for your kind words :blush:
The origins are closed to what you assumed: I work nearby that station and always have the camera with me, so it was just a matter of wating for the right conditions - luckily not too long :slight_smile:

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Hi. Your statement is not provided for by the licensing terms you attached to the image…

  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
  • for any purpose, even commercially.
    You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
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Updated the license.

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4K wallpaper version:

DSC00912-5.jpg.out.pp3 (22.0 KB)


Thanks for posting. Tried to avoid rpy (rat-piss-yellow).

DSC00912.ARW.xmp (12.2 KB)


Great to see these creative edits, thank you :slight_smile:
The upside-down one is simply amazing.

Very nice edit, I really like the colours :slight_smile:

Just wanted to see what Filmulator would do with this (I’m no Filmulator expert though).


Rawtherapee 5.9 + Gimp 2.10.34


I thought, a b/w version would be nice…

DSC00912.ARW.xmp (13.4 KB)

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RT 5.9 + HaldCLUT Fuji Velvia 100 Generic

DSC00912_rt.jpg.out.pp3 (16.2 KB)


This is a really nice photo, doesn’t take much work to get it looking good.
RT 5.10 + Vision 6 HaldCLUT from HaldCLUT Set: ANUBIS

DSC00912.jpg.out.pp3 (14.9 KB)

What a great shot!

DSC00912.ARW.xmp (19.9 KB)

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Thanks for the image to play around with, @sushey. I really like the treatment given this by @sovereign, and just added some default Dehaze to it for some added vibrancy. Cheers to both of you.

Subway Station at Sunset.jpg.out.pp3 (15.2 KB)