¡¡System window!!

Hi, today I went to start darktable and that system window came out. What happened

I think this came from a recent Windows update which resetted the terminal settings (had that too yesterday). Open start menu and type terminal. Look for terminal-settings (or whatever corresponds in your language) and set it to console host.


@apostel338 Yes, that was it, thank you very much!! :hugs:

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I always have and had this . It’s because it was compiled as a msys app or something i thought .

(Is there still a thing like WinMain() vs main() ? :wink: ).

I like the windows terminal (the new app ) , and dont mind the console window that darktable opens . So be it :slight_smile:

But if I change the option that @apostel338 said, does something happen?

My guess is: if it was of any relevance for you, you would already know about it.

If you’re an ordinary casual user like me who usually doesn’t use/need the console at all, you don’t have to mind.

(regardless of the setting, of course, the new powershell remains available at all times.)

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It changes what the default console application is in windows. To handle text mode stuff.

Most people won’t care , even people who know about this stuff :).

It’s not an option that can give issues or do damage at least.

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Thanks @apostel338 @jorismak :ok_hand:t3:

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