Szimpla Kert, Budapest

It’s been a long time since I have posted a raw here.

In december 2022, I want to Budapest, Hungary, for a short vacation. I was brought to a very cool place, called Szimpla Kert, one of the most famous ruin bars of the city.
It’s a particularly cool place for ‘urban’ photography.

Here’s a raw for you to play with:
DSCF6296.RAF (28.8 MB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

And my rendition using ART:

DSCF6296.jpg.out.arp (11.5 KB)

The camera I used is a Fujifilm X-T3 with a Samyang 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS lens.


First I thought I just make a colourful edit like this:

DSCF6296.RAF.xmp (14.5 KB)

But then I thought such a surreal place deserves a treatment which makes it it look even more surreal:

DSCF6296_01.RAF.xmp (14.6 KB)


Thanks for providing this file. A nice addition to my test-images collection as it has so extreme colors and clipped hightlights with various light sources :slight_smile:


I made it a little higher on luminance and sharp so that all details of the colourful background become visible. This is what I achieved in RT

DSCF6296.RAF.pp3 (15.2 KB)

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An interesting challenge!

Good shot of a very nice place, Sébastien !

My version in ART.
A bit of Tone Equalizer to control the highlights, Soft Light and Haze Removal activated with their basic values and the Film Density CTL script applied as well.

DSCF6296.jpg.out.arp (11.3 KB)

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Thank you for the play. With ART, GIMP and G’MIC:

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Tools that I often use!

My version…

DSCF6296.RAF.xmp (15.1 KB)


@sguyader, Really remarkable highlight reconstruction. Let’s find out how you did that.

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Another take, edited in Gimp using a modified version of my old filter “Illustration look”.

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DSCF6296.jpg.out.pp3 (14.3 KB)


DSCF6296.RAF.arp (12.8 KB)

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Here is my version. Partially done with darktable.

DSCF0262.RAF.xmp (40.1 KB)

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My version. A little less psychedelic and more simple.

DSCF6296.RAF.xmp (12.5 KB)