Hi all,
I’m stuck in a “share-tagging-between-applications” problem and didn’t find a solution yet, so any help appreciated By the way, I’m working on Windows 10.
The flow that I’m used to and that works fine, i.e. a real work-flow
- I import my RAW pictures into digiKam (7.4.0). I assign tags and ratings to the RAWs.
- Then I switch over to darktable (3.6.1). There I import the folder, that I just imported to digiKam. I can see all tags, etc. everything is fine. I do my RAW processing work, update ratings and export the RAWs to JPEG.
- Going back to digiKam, I just refresh the album folder and voilà all tags are read from the JPEGs and the RAW attributes are also updated according to what I changed in darktable. Fine.
Recently I introduced a new software Excire that provides auto-tagging based on several recognition methods. This works fine, I can export the added tags to the JPEG files, but I ended up in a…
Non-working flow:
- / 2. as above remain unchanged
- I load the exported JPEGs in Excire, do the recognition and add the freshly found tags to the JPEG files. I save the updated metadata to the JPEG files and can see in Windows Explorer file-properties, that they are available in the picture details.
- Going back to digiKam, I just refresh the album folder and… …nothing…!
I found by using exiftool, that Excire saves the tag information to the subject and keywords, but not to the taglist. In digiKam I didn’t find anything in the metadata settings hinting me towards the possibility of also taking those attributes into account when reading the JPEG file’s metadata. So I would really appreciate some help solving this issue.
Thanks to all in advance.