GT’s dialog between a cat and a grill was supeb, didn’t understand a thing but nevertheless.
Filmulator does not start in 10.14 (mojave), I’ll try later in 10.11 (capitan)
when trying execs got this
$ /Applications/
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libiomp5.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/
Reason: image not found
$ /Applications/
dyld: Library not loaded: /Users/tune/librtprocess/build/librtprocess.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/
Reason: image not found
You downloaded before I could update. Just had built librtprocess but macdeployqt had no idea where to find it. updated build above
Try this, it should work… If running from a console, execute unless you have exported the environment variables set in filmulator-gui. The binary gets renamed to filmulator for the reason we have to pass a few variables to the app. Another way is thru the Info.plist although there is no input plist for qmake bundling yet.
Just as a note to those trying it right now: highlight rendering is not final and the highlight recovery slider does not operate at all; I still need to add highlight reconstruction to librtprocess.
It also does not support X-Trans at this time; that also needs to be added to librtprocess and properly handled in Filmulator.
It’s only version 1.0.0 because it’s a breaking change in that images may turn out differently from previous versions, not because it’s finished.
I just fixed an infinite loop that occurs when you change the CA Correct switch or the Highlight Recovery slider. Although highlight recovery still does nothing.
Can someone test this on Mojave? Someone I know is trying it but it’s crashing in exiv2, after writing JPEGs, upon trying to write metadata to the files.
I’m in latest mojado, 10.14.1 and Filmulator seems to export ok both tif and jpg. Tested it with a CR2, RW2, ARW, ORF (crashed the app) and DNG, RAF and NEF. I would not say the app is super stable but once the file is enqueued, it exports it right away.
For this person it was refusing to complete an import because it couldn’t write metadata to the JPEG thubnail; upon rebooting Filmulator it could be selected from the queue, but once it finishes loading in the editor it would also crash for the same reason.
I don’t know why it might work on one mac and not another.
I have occassional exiv2 crashes on import in 10.12.6 Sierra, but it seems to work O.K. after deleting filmulator’s cache folder: ~/Library/Application\ Support/filmulator