Hello there
I have been playing around with my camera “recipes” more extensively and switched to shoot RAW + JPG. Having such comparison, I was initially really disappointed, becasue we were told so much about darktable’s “sanitized” and precise colours.
To give an example, let’s have a look at the walls made from bricks:

I know it’s Fuji, I know it’s Veliva, so saturated and so on. But darn, the bricks look so good to me compared to darkatble rendering:

I really don’t like the pinkish cast, especially pronounced when using “Max RGB” preservation norm:
Well, I thought: "It’s just the way it is. Maybe darktable isn’t as solid in rendering colour as it is believed or perhpas my mind is playing tricks on me - the issue of so called “memory colour”. I went few times to carefully check how I see the bricks in different lighting. Everytime they looked warm yellowish, which seemed logical as summer sun was shining on them.
“Hmm… Stuff happens. I know how to change particular colour. New instance of colour balance, parametric mask, hue shift and so on…”
But later, on another image, I happened to click one thing.
It turned out, that trusting the defaults, I was missing the step of checking Colour Calibration module, and to repair the bricks, all I needed to do, was to change from the default:
just to Daylight, nothing else:
and voilà:
Bottom line: If the colours look off to you, always check the Colour Calibration and try to change the illuminant
The file to play for everyone:
FUJI1504.RAF (32.2 MB)
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