The Falls of Dochart

Those passing must have thought I was mad, taking pictures in the pouring rain, while standing on the edge of a narrow bridge with traffic passing.

Was it worth it? You judge

20221007_0011.NEF (40.2 MB)
20221007_0011.NEF.xmp (14.6 KB)

These files are licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.


yes it was worth it, but pay attention to the framing, for me a little bit is missing, at the two treetops


Thanks for posting
darktable 4.0.1

20221007_0011_04.NEF.xmp (15.6 KB)


@kakashy You’ve got me thinking here. It wouldn’t be too difficult to extend the top of the photo. Cloning the sky is easy enough. Then, one would have to “paint in” the missing tree tops. Just a thought!

20221007_0011.NEF.pp3 (19.6 KB)

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as much for me I answered without opening the RAW, I opened the file under dt, and I better understand your story, the vertical framing disturbs me a little, that said the framing is limited (for me of course), but it’s very good, to take into account for the next time :), beautiful photo.20221007_0011.NEF.xmp (9,6 Ko)

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Here my try

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20221007_0011.NEF.xmp (14.7 KB)

Darktable 4.0

@kakashy This didn’t happen exactly as planned. I used @epeeist edit with Gimp to put a cropped and uncropped layer together, then did a little cloning.


Darktable 4.0.1

20221007_0011.NEF.xmp (22,7 KB)

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An optical effect.
Attention! River water is entering through the picture! :sweat_smile:

With DT4.0.1

20221008_0011.NEF_02.xmp (10,9 KB)

With RT5.8-dev.

20221008_0011_RT-2.jpg.out.pp3 (19,1 KB)

PD/ If you put black background in the browser it has more impact :slightly_smiling_face:


My version…

20221007_0011.NEF.xmp (21.6 KB)


Fabulous shot. Thanks for the opportunity to work with it…

My ART 1.16.3 sidecar:
20221007_0011.NEF.arp (28.5 KB)


Yes, I am sorry I clipped the top of the trees off.

In my defence, it was pissing it down, and I wanted to get some shots before rain on the lens. The bridge is narrow, and the traffic comes very close :fearful:

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Gimp 2.10.32

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Thanks for sharing this glorious image!
My play, as always done in GIMP.


GMIC from CLI, batch file for Make Wiggle…

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Working from a screenshot with gThumb – the villagers’ torches will be squelched by the rain.