The Glories of Water

One of the things I enjoy about Scotland is that almost wherever one goes, one is near to water in some form. It might be rain of course, and at the moment we have a fair amount of snow (it dropped to -7C overnight a couple of nights back). But whether it is lochs, rivers or waterfalls then there is always something to see and take pictures of.

This one was taken at Black Linn, near Dunkeld, about 10m from where I live.
_CTW7595.NEF (48.3 MB)
_CTW7595.NEF.xmp (10.9 KB)

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DT 4.2

_CTW7595.NEF.xmp (23,1 KB)

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My version…

_CTW7595.NEF.xmp (18.4 KB)


_CTW7595.NEF.xmp (9.3 KB)


_CTW7595.NEF.xmp (9.5 KB)

I really miss fast water and rocks. Where I live, they don’t exist in the same places. We have almost no naturally-occuring rocks larger than coarse gravel. Virtually all natural water is wide, slow, generally dirty (muddy) and bottoms are soft.

Nice capture.

Obviously subjective what we do with the exposure here, but my first attempt looked dull, so I lifted the exposure more. I used shadow and highlights module because I like the effect it has on the contrast and details in this shot.

_CTW7595.NEF.xmp (10.1 KB)

Oooh, nice water. I’m with @lphilpot, rushing water is such a rush… :laughing:

Here’s my take, with absolutely no tone curve other than the TRC in the sRGB export profile:

The crop is the thing…

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I agree with Glenn - A crop really helps to remove distractions and focus attention. I used ART, brought chromaticity up to give a hint of color lurking in there and added a fair amount of local contrast to the water only. I also dropped the exposure on what background remained to emphasize the foreground rock a bit more.

TBH I also had to cover my tracks as much as possible on a little artifacting which I discovered too late to have any desire to backtrack and do over. :smiley:

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Sorry to be too lazy to submit an image… I would definitely decrease (or remove) the reflections on the large middleground rock (the one just behind the main one). Lovely scene and a fine image, by the way.

Yes, I attempted a “rule of odds” in my original image. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a closer crop in-camera without putting my tripod in the river :thinking:

I like a lot of the responses to this particular “play raw”, it has provided me with a number of things to think about.

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My fun

Excellent that you had an idea in mind and tried to achieve it, even if you didn’t quite get there :slight_smile: looking forward to your next shoot.

Y’know I think “zoom with your feet” was coined by a studio photographer… :crazy_face:

For me, the water textures are the thing; rule-a-thirds can go by the wayside…

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One thing that I noticed (which others may have no problem with) was that to my eyes there’s not a strong initial indication which way the water is flowing. Yes, it can be determined without too much effort but it’s not like it’s a sloping downhill ‘run’ that’s obvious. I tried to think of some way to make it more obvious but couldn’t. I liked seeing a little subtle color in the rocks and water, plus more detail in the water. But in bringing up the color in the rocks I created some color artifacts.

Another great photo. I found this quite difficult, but here is my play in GIMP.

The reason being, that it flows around the rock rather than with the river. The flow is much more apparent on other pictures taken that day:

Incidentally, Black Linn has one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the area.


Thanks for posting this shot
darktable 4.2

_CTW7595_02.NEF.xmp (14.7 KB)

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I really love your second image. I love the branch or tree creeping in from the left side. Imagine taking this shot when the light would hit that tree a bit more.

Where I live is known as “big tree country”, while it would be nice to get the light on the branch, the whole area is surrounded by trees, as the Visit Scotland page shows.

My suspicion is that it might not be possible.