The New GIMP Website

Ok, I know that I’ve been relatively quiet lately. For those of you who follow me on social media, you may know this already.

I wanted to start working on something that I thought could use some working on. Namely, the website. I feel like it had been getting a little old, and could use a refresh to modernize it, as well as make it a little more responsive.

I had already just finished building out, so I figured why not. :slight_smile:

So, here are some recent screenshots from what I’ve been working on.

This is the full view of the front page of the site right now (still under heavy work):

And a second view of the same page, but being viewed on a mobile device:

I’m always ready to hear any feedback anyone might have (but cannot guarantee that I will actually implement).

In particular, I’m wondering if anyone would like to submit any work for use on the site? In particular I’d like to keep the licensing to at least CC-BY-SA or more free.

I know some of you have been sharing some ridiculously nice work, so I thought it might be nice to see your name in (the proverbial) lights. I’m particularly peering towards @andabata and a jaw-dropping macro of some sort… Something that kicks you in the eye-holes and makes you say - holy crap, free software can do that?!

Oh, as an added bonus - if anyone is interested, those screenshots above are actually from a live test of the site. So you can kick the tires yourselves:

I’m sorry I have been quiet, but I feel like I can contribute something here, and as a free-software user I think it’s my duty to give back wherever I can. So I am compelled to do this. :slight_smile:

By the same token, if anyone has any ideas for verbiage for the “High Quality Photo Manipulation” portion (or any other), please feel free to post something here and let me know.


Fantastic work Pat! :smile:

I think the menu won’t work on mobile like that. The easiest solution would be to just make it fold out after a menu button has been pressed). The gutters in the grid/columns could also be a bit bigger. The 10px makes it look quite cramped.

Should you for some inexplicable reason want to use one of my pictures, I can certainly sort out the license.

And another thing, consider adding a meta robots: noindex to the page. Otherwise it will get picked up by poor google bot before it’s ready which could confuse users and harm the search engine ranking (duplicate content crap).

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Yep, I plan to probably use a similar menu to what’s on now, with a fallback to the same links in the footer for non-js mobile/tablet users (do those exist?).

Gutters - do you mean on the mobile view? I could increase them a bit. I just have to balance the white space with the smaller screen. :frowning:

Thanks for the offer on images! I’ll have a look and let you know!

Also, thanks for the no-index tip. It wasn’t a problem when there was no link to the site. Now, of course there are… :slight_smile:

With gutter I mean the space between columns on the grid:

Also just a random idea, you could make wilbers eyes move to follow the cursor, xeyes style. Might be purely annoying and distracting, might actually give the page some life.

Ah! That is actually just a temporary notice for anyone coming to the page. The box on the right will be gone when we get closer. (There will not be anything over there later).