The OK button needed to start a filter

I don’t know if it’s the right forum for that…

It seems that some people (more than expected?) do not know that we do need to click first the OK button on some filters for them to start to work

Is it possible to write it directly in G’MIC? Something like “Instructions: Click first on the OK button to start the filter”

Example where we need to click first the OK button to start the filter, but it’s not written in G’MIC


Thanks for reading

I don’t think it needs an explanation as this is the way plugins work. The only confusion for a new user might be Apply (apply filter without closing plugin) vs OK (apply filter and close plugin).

I do not agree, plugins do not work that way (and you know G’MIC like no one else, so for you it’s natural :wink:).

For example, take any GIMP’s plugins:


You input your setting first, then when you have finished, you click OK, you will never click OK before applying your settings :wink:

Most of the filters in G’MIC (~90% ? ) are applied when we click OK (I don’t speak about the Apply button), also when we click OK, that OK button closes the G’MIC’s window (in 90% of the time) which is expected by the end user as a standard behavior and even encouraged by G’MIC 90% of the time.
So even G’MIC in ~90% of the cases, tells you “click OK when it’s done”.

Then we have ~10% filters filters which need to be called with the OK button…
Behavior expected by the end user (at least me for many years or first comers to G’MIC)
this filter does not work, I click Cancel or the close button on the top bar to not affect my picture in GIMP”.

Yeah… A note telling us to click first on the OK button first would be more than useful in these specific filters :wink:

Note: I have no idea about the percentage of filters which start with OK, numbers are just for example purpose only :wink:

Sorry, your op was long so I only skimmed it. I gave “Warp [Interactive]” a try and understand your question now. What it is doing is launching a display window that usually appears when you use the command line.

It should be possible to do everything within the preview window of the plugin so this may be unintentional or a bug. Where else do you find this problem? Let’s ping @David_Tschumperle to see what’s up.

Yeaaa :laughing: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I don’t recall, but I found that at “Black & White/Colorize[Interactive]” it’s explained that we do need to click on the OK or Apply button to start the filter in a new window. (I am starting to review all filters as I am writing this…)


May be, not sure, for the “Warp [Interactive]” it was forgotten to write it down in the description :wink:

I will come back if I found other example.
Thanks a lot @afre

Done :crazy_face:, I did “review” all filters (in /Testing/, I mostly overview them, though)

Black & White/Colorize[Interactive] it’s written that we do need to click the Apply or OK button to start the filter
Colors/Curves it’s written that we do need to click the Apply or OK button as well
Contours/Extract Foreground[Interactive] it’s also written there.

Colors/Color Mask[Interactive] it’s not written but we need to click OK to start the filter
Deformations/Morph[Interactive] it’s not written but we need to click OK to start the filter as well
Deformations/Warp[Interactive] it’s not written but we need to click OK to start the filter also

I might have discovered a bug as well :wink:
Sequences/Lava Lamp → crashes G’MIC each time (G’MIC v2.9.7 /GIMP 2.10.25 as well as in the 2.10.24 / on Ubuntu-MATE 20.04)

Out of curiosity, I saw, paper, glass, and many other type of textures or patterns but no leather texture nor leather pattern. May be a feature request / suggestion ?

Yes, crash also for me. That’s very cool to have noticed that.
I’ll see what I can do.

@PixLab, surprisingly, the bug seems to be related to the issue that @afre had recently.
When I try with the new “latest dev” package for Ubuntu 20.04, I don’t get the crash anymore. Could you check on your side ? (

Yes me too, since I installed the .deb from your link, no more crash :+1:

On the other side I discovered that on your dev .deb now at “Reptile” I got French and English mixed (my computer is all in English), screenshot_20210419-234132

That would require a translation file. @samj is French.

@afre Where can I find this translation file? It would be my pleasure to translate it in English.

Community files are here: gmic-community/include at master · dtschump/gmic-community · GitHub.

– Examine samj’s reptile in gmic-community/sylvie_alexandre.gmic at master · dtschump/gmic-community · GitHub.

– Follow the examples of translate_xx.gmic files. I suppose English would be translate_en.gmic. Make one and I will add it to community.

Better yet, if you have a GitHub account or sign up for one, you could make a pull request.

Hello Huston, I don’t understand the picture :fearful:

It’s a list of files. What do I do with that? Do I need to download them?

It’s only programming code. Do you know where is the French file?

Sorry, I feel dumb now, I cannot find that file in the community files.

I cannot find this one either (sorry).

How I do that?

I have a github account (to report bugs), but I have no idea how to do a “pull request”.

Do you know if G’MIC does have a dedicated page for translation, something like transifex?

For example Ubuntu-MATE or Shotcut translation page:

I was new to Github and G’MIC not long ago. :hugs:

Added translation_en.gmic and translated samj_reptile. Not much to translate. :slight_smile: Update your G’MICs in an hour or so.

Yes, conduct a search to find samj_reptile and copy the lines with #@gui to the translation file. I made one just now. Just follow what I did with samj_reptile in a pull request. Consult the GitHub manual to learn about PRs. The interface can be a bit confusing at first.

@David_Tschumperle I noticed that the original selection had lowercase words but were parsed as uppercase. The translation in afre.gmic preserved the lowercase under #@gui_en, so in the translation, I simply made them uppercase in the code.

@afre I’m very sorry for the late answer, I got quite busy those late weeks, I’ll take a look.

Note that the translation method has changed. See: On the road to 3.0 - #291 by afre.