This morning I don’t like free/libre software . . .
I copied some raw files from my camera card to my hard drive and looked through them using geeqie.Then I right-clicked on one of the files in the qeeqie interface, which only listed PhotoFlow as a way to open the file. Well, OK, I actually wanted RawTherapee, but PhotoFlow would also work.
Except that when I selected to open the raw file from the geeqie interface using PhotoFlow, nothing happened.
So I opened PhotoFlow from the command line and tried to drag and drop the raw file from the Dolphin file manager to PhotoFlow’s window. But nothing happened. Apparently PhotoFlow doesn’t support drag and drop.
So I opened the raw file with RawTherapee, though RT also doesn’t seem to support drag and drop. I wanted to use the RCD demosaicing algorithm (which PhotoFlow also has), so darktable wasn’t an option.
Having finally gotten the raw file open, I saw that RawTherapee now defaults to some hinky set of “make it pretty” editing algorithms that apply a very iffy tone curve. So I selected the RT Neutral profile. Then I used the little tool that allows to set the white balance on a nominally neutral patch in the raw file - this particular raw file included a white balancing target shot under the same light as the raw file I actually wanted to work on.
Then still using RawTherapee I opened the raw file that I actually wanted to work on and dialed in the previously determined white balance using Temp/Tint. I would greatly prefer using RGB sliders, but RT doesn’t supply these sliders.
Then I realized that some RawTherapee “highlight” code still seemed activated and I couldn’t figure out how to make sure it wasn’t actually doing anything. So I closed RawTherapee and went back to PhotoFlow.
PhotoFlow makes getting scene-referred output incredibly simple (no “make it pretty” algorithms are applied by default), and PF does have RGB multipliers for setting the white balance, and does have the RCD algorithm. But the GTK3 interface has issues at least on my system.
So I decided to exit PhotoFlow and recompile it using GTK2, and PhotoFlow very rightly complained that I was missing a couple of libraries - yesterday, I had downloaded the required GTK2 tarballs so I could recompile PhotoFlow using GTK2, but I forgot that I hadn’t actually gotten around to compiling and installing the libraries.
So I uncompressed, compiled, and installed the the GTK2 tarballs and then proceeded to compile and install PhotoFlow using GTK2 instead of GTK3.
While PhotoFlow was compiling, I fired up GIMP to continue working on an XCF file from a different image, and upon dragging a layer out to make a new file, GIMP crashed with the sort of error message that leaves no option except to resort to full-fledged GDB debugging using special commands to actually try to trace the source of the crash - something to do with an X Window System error and asynchronous crashes vs errors.
PhotoFlow did sucessfully compile, install, and run using GTK2. But when I tried to use “Area” color balance, no little square or rectangle appeared and nothing seemed to happen. So I dialed in the Temp/Tint from RT into PhotoFlow’s corresponding sliders, which was a bogus thing to do as RT and PF don’t use the same Temp/Tint algorithm.
So I bought a subscription to Adobe cloud.
Just kidding.