This project lasted 39 years

39 years ago, I photographed the places in my home town that were important to me for various reasons. Last week I tried to repeat the same shots - which didn’t always work. Buildings were erected, fences were put up, trees blocked the view and so on.
But I would like to share a few with you. The importance lies not in the quality of the photos, but in the change of content.

Back then, I took all the photos in one day. Now I needed two. Let’s see how long I need after the next 39 years.


Very cool!


A very nice idea, thanks for sharing :+1:

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Very nice. Interesting to see how your part of the world has clearly seen investment. Also in the area around the monument not only private properties. My feeling about such improvements are dual though I always feel a sense of freedom in the slightly unkempt half forgotten areas.

What you can also see is that the slightly unkempt surroundings were also a protection for the monument - with maintenance, the relief, which is well over 100 years old, has eroded.