Took this yesterday evening. One of quite a lot from the same area!
I’d like to see your interpretations of it.
A question too; some of you have seen quite a few of my images, and interpretations of other peoples, in the Play Raws. How would you describe my style? I’ve come to realise that I tend to go a bit further with the ‘colourfulness’ than many, so I’m interested in anyone’s opinion. And I don’t mind at all if you’re critical! (just edited to fix a typo)
Nice, natural results
A bit washed out and bland.
Colourful, punchy, but still believeable
If you’re interested but haven’t seen much of me you can always have a look at my site. (see my profile)
Anyway, here’s the Play Raw photo. Ready. Steady. Go!
I love those wide-open, big-sky views. That scene would be interesting to try with a focus stack, if the wind and grass would cooperate (which is probably never possible!).
At first, my knee-jerk reaction was the sunset part of the sky was a tad too bright, but the more I look at it I don’t know how else you’d treat it and do the sunset justice. With it toned down, I’m afraid the sky would flatten out and there would be no tonal focus point.
Stephen, I’m with Len … first impression is that the sun is too bright; but on consideration, of course it is the brightest part of the scene, even though it does initially distract. The things that attract me about the capture as a whole are:
the clouds - especially the variety of tones in the top 25% of the frame
the sunlight illuminating the dust (from a vehicle?) on the field or dirt road on the left
The leading of the foreground bitumen road and the fence line
the diagonals of golden-coloured stalks from bottom of frame towards the sunset - both along the left of the road, and in the central foreground.
In sum, a magnificent capture.
Edit: Downloaded for a play, but caused a crash of my self-built darktable.
I hope I didn’t do something weird with the files! The camera is an older Sony Nex series and I used sigmoid in DT4.2… just in case it was the xmp that caused the crash.
It seems I am the only one who sees the scene this way. The sun has not risen (at least over the mountain), so I envision mostly darkness in the foreground.
On your question, I answered, “Colorful, punchy, but still believable”
@rasterized @dqpcoxeas @Nathan_Crabtree @Sunhillow @Jean-Marc_Digne @Thomas_Do @chaimav @qmpel @Tim
Glad you enjoyed it! Really great to see the different versions…
Now I have to say that when I first saw this post, and my version this morning, I thought "Ooof! I did overcook it didn’t I! So I’m not surprised that there’s a definite vote for overcooked. In fact I’m surprised that that was not the no1 choice.
@Tim, thanks for the different interpretation. I’d never have thought of that perpective, but it’s a very valid point. Thinking back, it wasn’t that dark, but neither was it as colorful as my version, so
My current job requires switching locations and displays where I have no control over the surround, resolution, colour integrity, hardware or software. Your image would look different on all of those settings, even if they were calibrated and profiled, which they aren’t in my case.
What I mean is that, for an interesting image like yours, we see different things from our perspective, whether you like it or not. I haven’t even remarked about software and zoom levels yet (the latter apparently affecting colour as someone noted in another thread ).
At first I thought you meant out-of-the-box in the sense of untouched - like an out-of-camera jpg.
Seriously, though, that is a very good point indeed… not much to add but thanks!