Time for a swift guess? [now revealed]

These two images have been developed using the same settings.
Still there is a difference.

Want to have a guess what I did?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Probably wrong, but it looks like you used cooking torch on the object. The subtle brown color reminds me of lightly toasted a marshmallow over a fire. Really random overly dramatic guess. Not even sure what I’m looking at. Something sitting on a lens cap?

Edit: flash makes more sense based on the lighting in front/left on the cap. Certainly less dramatic.

Little bit of fill in flash in the first one?

Flash: that is my guess as well. What is in the bottom-right corner?


What is in the bottom-right corner?

Just a small part of my studio floor
i.e. my desktop.


Something sitting on a lens cap?

Yes, that is correct.

My guess would be adding a reflector… to the left of camera. Dunno what the white object is though! A kind of noodle?

We have a winner! :slight_smile:
Congratulations, @123sg!
Adding a reflector was absolutely right.
Here is the same shot, zoomed out:

I simply let the overhead light bounce off a well-polished knifeblade onto the thing.

But no, the thing was not a noodle, it was a small piece of writing paper, folded several times, and shot so that you could see the paper grain. It’s incredible what different light settings can do to a model…

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

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