Time to get drunk and celebrate the big 3.0.0

And for all the openSUSE Tumbleweed user. the package is in the queue already.


That’s great. Congratulations to the entire team!



Big congratulations indeed!

They even answered a recent question about what GIMP is trying to be.

Color Management was again improved, as our long-term project to make GIMP an advanced image editor for all usages.

Oh yeah, congrats to the team !
I saw the Flatpak getting into the 3.0 version at work this afternoon & I started to wonder what was going on XD

So, Gimp 3.0 installed at home (I had to manually toggle to Branch 3 for the plugins already available, but it’s all OK, no big deal !)

I’m already trying things around & I may have to get back here later for some pointers on Python scripts (I may have to convert one if the original author doesn’t), but until now it’s smooottthh sailing ! :partying_face:

Great to see all the hard work has resulted in GIMP3.0. I will check it out later. Thanks to all the developers of all FOSS.


Just got the new version on Archlinux. Thanks for the great work!

I have just installed the Mac Version on my imac M1 and its working good. Thanks to everyone who made gimp 3 possible.