And for all the openSUSE Tumbleweed user. the package is in the queue already.
That’s great. Congratulations to the entire team!
Big congratulations indeed!
They even answered a recent question about what GIMP is trying to be.
Color Management was again improved, as our long-term project to make GIMP an advanced image editor for all usages.
Oh yeah, congrats to the team !
I saw the Flatpak getting into the 3.0 version at work this afternoon & I started to wonder what was going on XD
So, Gimp 3.0 installed at home (I had to manually toggle to Branch 3 for the plugins already available, but it’s all OK, no big deal !)
I’m already trying things around & I may have to get back here later for some pointers on Python scripts (I may have to convert one if the original author doesn’t), but until now it’s smooottthh sailing !
Great to see all the hard work has resulted in GIMP3.0. I will check it out later. Thanks to all the developers of all FOSS.
Just got the new version on Archlinux. Thanks for the great work!
I have just installed the Mac Version on my imac M1 and its working good. Thanks to everyone who made gimp 3 possible.