Timeline module extents

DT3.8. I’m confused by the timeline in lighttable. See screen shot.

I’m using a folder as a film roll. The timeline shows a box selecting Jan-July. There are bars in the timeline before and after this range. Dragging the box adds a date taken rule, but I can’t make the box any larger to capture the lines in late 2020 and late 2021.

Deleting the date taken rule gives the box as-shown. “Show everythig” is the expected result, but the shaded box is covering only part of the timeline.

In Windows Explorer, the folder shows only images Jan-July.

So why does the timeline show bars for dates that don’t match the contents of the film roll?

I think the timeline plots everythinh in your catalog, noy just the filmroll you have pen.


Yes. clicking on different collections doesn’t change the extents of the timeline. But the shaded box moves.