Tone Equalizer Playtime

I watched the latest @s7habo (Boris) videos about contrast, It opened my eye, brain to a topic I did not understand correctly.

So with that I tried to edit a picture from signature edits. No great improvements where done on the colors of the image, concentrated only on contrast with Contrast Equalizer (thats what I think I did).

XMP Included, Darktable 5.0.1.

Tag @ryanbreitkreutz - Free files from @signatureeditsco DSC02200.ARW (16.3 MB)

Try one:

Tag @ryanbreitkreutz - Free files from @signatureeditsco DSC02200.ARW.xmp (11.4 KB)

Try two:

Tag @ryanbreitkreutz - Free files from @signatureeditsco DSC02200_01.ARW.xmp (13.9 KB)

This file is free for usage from: 100% Free Raw Photos - Download Raw Files For Editing Now


I am on the fence about this. Play raws are for your own work, and signature edits does not say you are free to redistribute their file. Their license is not super clear…

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Does their license allow us to redistribute the file or not? since you uploaded it.

It does:

License Details


Signature Edits grants you an irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use raw files from Signature Edits for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the photographer or Signature Edits.

This license does not include the right to compile photos from Signature Edits to replicate a similar or competing service or to misrepresent the authorship of these photos as your own original work.


I’d still rather see Play Raws be people’s own work. I personally don’t have any interest in being a signature edits forum


Done before I realized that it is not your own work because I had no idea what “signature edits” is.

Here’s G’MIC’s Equalize Local Histograms

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Boris’s videos are very good and he knows his stuff, but I haven’t seen the video that inspired your edit. I personally use contrast equalizer for some denoising but I don’t use it for contrast myself. I am not saying it shouldn’t be used and it may be my bad for not using it that way. But here is my edit without contrast equalizer.
Tag @ryanbreitkreutz - Free files from @signatureeditsco DSC02200.ARW.xmp (14.4 KB)


Might have been the tone eq given the nature and content of those videos

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Double exclusion and created a convolution layer to enhance the contrast more. Also punched the saturation up. :slight_smile:


Definitly like how you punched up the gold, Terry. :slight_smile:

Tag @ryanbreitkreutz - Free files from @signatureeditsco DSC02200.ARW.xmp (18.2 KB)

Tag @ryanbreitkreutz - Free files from @signatureeditsco DSC02200.ARW.xmp (22.0 KB)

@lylejk I used the color zones module to puch up the warm tones.

My excuses too you all who replied, I did mean the tone equalizer! Shame on me.


darktable 5.0.1

Tag @ryanbreitkreutz - Free files from @signatureeditsco DSC02200_03.ARW.xmp (20.3 KB)

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Well, damn. You got me to looking into the Contrast Equalizer, again, and I must say it is very interesting.

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My edit, using Contrast Equalizer, not Tone Equalizer. Virtually everything in the photo is in shadow, so I chose to leave it that way.

Tag @ryanbreitkreutz - Free files from @signatureeditsco DSC02200.ARW.xmp (7.5 KB)

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